As a Charity Partner of The Good Box. You will receive Good Boxes throughout the year to support people in need of vital resources. On average, a Good Box is valued at $150, which you will receive for free, thanks to the support and donations of our community, corporates, schools and retailers. There is an array of brand new products inside each box to cater for all different types of homelessness. These items can include non-perishable food items, food vouchers, hygiene and luxury items, period products, stationary, high quality clothing and much more.
Best of all, the products are all packaged up nicely inside our beautiful Good Boxes, you just pay a small shipping and handling cost.
Shipping fees may be waived for charities that are within Melbourne or Brisbane and a Good Box Volunteer is able to drop your order to you.
Handling fees are waived for charities under $1m revenue.
Want to get in touch before registering? Contact us at with details about your charity and your question.

To receive Good Boxes, you must have official charity status with the ACNC. If you do not have charity status and still need our boxes, you may be able to cover some costs with grant funding. All charity partners are required to complete our partnership agreement before any boxes can be supplied. We allow a trial run of up to 10 boxes to get a feel for whether you would like to continue as a partner. Get in touch at to discuss.
Box drops are at the following times of the year: April/May (YouBeauty Boxes), June/July (Winter Boxes), August/September (YouLegend Boxes) and November/December (General/Christmas Boxes). We will do our best to send you your requirements based on the charity agreement form. Boxes supplied in-between these months will depend on our leftover funding/events/resources, and we will prioritise those that provide us with impact stories, or can cover all costs with a grant.
Good News Stories

They paid: $0 (just shipping costs to Griffith NSW)
They got: $12,000 worth of first-hand quality items for their clients for winter
Griffith Meals on Wheels were able to impact 120 lives with The Good Box
Griffith Meals on Wheels, a charity that provides services to frail aged persons, their carers and disadvantaged groups for either a short term or for longer periods, has partnered with the Good Box in receiving Winter Boxes to distribute to people experiencing Homelessness and victims of domestic violence.

They paid: $0
They got: $2,800 worth of first hand quality items for this Winter
Five Bridges was able to impact 28 lives with The Good Box
Five Bridges, an organisation that is passionate about assisting individuals with barriers to education and employment and local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.